Inner Communication

Here’s my 1 minute take on inner communication and the relevance and impact it has on us and our outer communication.

Inner dialogue, inner communication has become an important area of focus for me over the past years. 

I have realised that my inner dialogue affects not only my outer communication but also my immediate well being. Being mindful of my inner chatter and conversations is important as it helps me be aware what thoughts and emotions I am responding to and what is affecting all my communication. 

There are several methods that help us notice and engage actively with our inner conversation. Walks in nature, for some it may be swimming or a low intensity activity, music, meditation and others. 
And: If you want become a strong communicator, focus also on inner communication. 

This is important because thoughts are actions. Our inner dialogue is the action that shapes our work, our togetherness, our community and our society. 

What goes on in us, colours the painting of our lives. 

Traps and tricks to communicate effectively

I would like to share some traps and tricks when communicating with others in culturally diverse settings (eg a Bernese speaking with a person from the Wallis or someone working in finance speaking to persons in NPO's).

What are your experiences in regards to tips and traps? Please leave a comment or send me an email!

Tricks and traps when communicating in culturally diverse settings.

Communication in negotiations

Communication in negotiations

Many of us think of negotiations as in a formal, structured process such as negotiating a price of product or service, deadlines in a project, matters of peace and conflict etc. I want to focus, however, on informal, often disguised, small negotiations that take place in the context of our work lives. I refer to these as “micro-negotiations”.

Neuer CAS Interkulturelle Kommunikationskompetenz

Ich freue mich sehr, zusammen mit Prof Dr. Susan Göldi den neuen CAS Interkulturelle Kommunikationskompetenz anbieten zu dürfen!

Interkulturalität in Unternehmen, Institutionen, Teams und in Zielmärkten ist zunehmend eine Realität und bietet viele Chancen und Herausforderungen. Interkulturelle Handlungskompetenzen sind Schlüsselkompetenzen der neuen Arbeitswelt. Das Konzept der Cultural Intelligence (CQ) zeigt Strategien, um Kultur als Leitprinzip der interpersonalen Kommunikation zu verstehen und Beziehungen mit diversen Stakeholdern erfolgreich zu gestalten.

Der CAS startet am 12. September 2022 an der FHNW in Olten.
Weitere Infos erhalten Sie unter diesem Link und gerne auch bei mir.

Am Montag, 27. Juni 22 findet um 12 Uhr ein Online (Zoom) Info-Anlass statt.

Info Anlass CAS Interkulturelle Kommunikationskompetenz

Nonverbale Signale interpretieren lernen

Nonverbale Signale interpretieren lernen

Nonverbale Signale sind bedeutsam. Je bewusster wir sie wahrnehmen, umso besser. Wir hören zittrige oder feste Stimmen, sehen aufrechte oder geknickte Haltungen, begegnen scharfen oder sanften Blicken. Sie finden da einen Artikel den ich zusammen mit Prof Susan Göldi für den HR-Developer geschrieben habe. Die Bedeutung von Nonverbalem ist besonders gross bei ersten Begegnungen – zum Beispiel im Vorstellungsgespräch.

A personal update

A personal update

In this personal update (VLOG 6min) I share my journey since writing “The Year, Living while preparing to die” in 2018. I would love to hear from you what these thoughts triggered and questions that may have occurred. Obviously I only give a brief abstract in the video and leave much unsaid.