Weltweit werden mehr als 7000 verschiedene Sprachen gesprochen. Jede Sprache spiegelt nicht nur eine Denkweise wider, sondern zeigt auch, wie die Welt erscheint, wahrgenommen und verstanden wird.
Certified Consultant for Cultural Intelligence
I have successfully completed the CQ Train-the-Trainer Program. This indicates an understanding of how cultural intelligence and it’s value to individuals and organisation and how to use CQ tools and the Development Cultural Intelligence Workshop.
I also competed the CQ Certification program which provides me the knowledge and ability to understand the cultural intelligence model and how to interpret and debrief the CQ 360 Assessment and feedback report.
You are warmly invited to contact me if you would like to access your cultural intelligence and to measure your effectiveness in diverse situations and to promote a deeper understanding of our own approaches to life and work and how those compare to others.
Kommunikation bei Verhandlungen und Befragungen (Okt 2021)
Die Absolventinnen und Absolventen schärfen anhand von Kurzinputs, Gruppenarbeiten und Videoanalysen ihre Fertigkeiten in der zielgerichteten verbalen und nonverbalen Sprache, um Verhandlungen und Befragungen zu beeinflussen und zu steuern. Zudem können sie nonverbales Verhalten des Gegenübers besser lesen und interpretieren.
Mentoring for Students and Young Professionals
A year later / Das Jahr Danach
It’s soon two years ago, that I decided to start a process of preparing to die. I documented part of this process in the book “The Year” (https://buchundnetz.com/werke/the-year/).
In this article for a magazine “Spiritual Care” I share the journey beyond “The Year” and where this has taken me.