Living with pain - and not going crazy

Living with pain - and not going crazy

I love working as consultant on multicultural competence, focusing on conflict and communication. However I do this while living with constant pain. Over the years I have learnt to accept physical pain, allowing me to live a rich and full life but in the presence of these pains. In coaching sessions with clients and friends I have started sharing my approach and shared how I live with pain and don't go crazy. The book will be available end of May. You can pre-order a copy here by dropping me a message or email. 



Where do you come from? This is such a simple question but one that challenges some of us.
“Home is when I am connected with myself and my community of people where I feel accepted and loved.” This is my most common answer and most truthful response. 

Multicultural competence

Multicultural competence

What is multicultural competence? Is it the ability to create meaning in communication? Is it being able to embrace difference and yet have a sense of belonging? Competence in our ever increasing small world is of greatest importance both for a successful professional life, but also to have rich personal life.